Boost Your Starter Blog with These Tricks

According to Erin P Smith article, The “in” thing right now in network marketing is definitely to have a blog! Doesn’t it seem like every single person you know online has a blog? Personally, I absolutely love having a blog, because I made it, I write in it, and it makes me money. I feel like I accomplished something.


However, the problem with this torrent of new bloggers (I’m not criticizing, I’m a new blogger…) is that everyone and their dog is trying to rank on Google! Well, It seems like the “magic” number is to be ranked better than 100,000 in the world, so that’s what everyone wants. So how can a bazillion marketers, plus all the other sites out there all rank in the top 100,000?

The obvious answer… they can’t. So that means you have to be ahead of the game, get a leg up on the competition (now that I think about it, maybe I shouldn’t share this post with you…haha). If you’re just writing posts, you are going to be left in the dust because others are doing so much more!

The very first thing you absolutely need to know about blogging is that you need to use a self hosted WordPress blog. I’m going to share my top 10 favorite blogging tricks to get traffic and leads! Here they are, in no particular order:

1. Install the Onlywire plug-in and submit all your blog posts to social media bookmarks, your readers will be able to use this button as well.

2. Put up a video with you introducing them to your blog and say thanks for visiting, this is what you’re going to get out of my blog.

3. Don’t pitch with every blog post, post content that will actually benefit others.

4. Insert a visible opt-in form that appears on every page. My intro video also invites them to opt-in and tell them what they’ll get if they do.

5. Put the Retweet and Facebook share plug-ins on your posts. The more you create a social buzz with your content, the more Google looks at it.

6. You personally can share your new blog posts on Twitter and Facebook

7. Make a video about your post on YouTube and link it back to your blog.

8. Use an article submitter to blast out your post to hundreds of article directories. The more “hooks” you have out there the more people are going to be “caught.”

9. Make sure you have a keyword in mind and have that keyword in the title, description, tags, body, and anchor text (the text that you click on in a link)

10. Make a Squidoo and a Hubpage with links back to your original post on your blog.

If you do all of these things, I guarantee that your blog will get a big boost in traffic and therefore your Alexa ranking. It still takes time for your blog to start ranking, so BE PATIENT! I’ve had my blog up for almost three months, and the ranking is really starting to take off because I’ve been fairly (not completely) consistent with doing the stuff above. Now my blog posts are showing up on Google! It’s exciting and it’s fun seeing the results.

I also use what is called tribes to share my blog posts. With a tribe, when you post your content the idea is that everyone else in the tribe shares it and you share their content that you posted. The main one I use is called The Unified Tribe and then the four that I use on Facebook is MLM Power Tribe, MLM Global Mastermind Tribe, MLM Magic Tribe, and MLM Alphas Tribe. So get out there and start getting your blog to rank! Just don’t beat me; ).

Simple Steps to Boost Your Traffic or Income with Instagram Stories

Live video is at long last getting the consideration it merits. Stages like Facebook and Twitter have as of now bounced on board the temporary fad, revealing their own particular forms of this feature. Presently, we see Instagram doing likewise, with “Stories.” This will take social media marketing to another level for organizations that are as of now on Instagram.


Instagram is possessed by Facebook, so it’s nothing unexpected that they chose to go this course. At whatever point somebody goes live on Instagram, you will see a “live” symbol appear in the profile’s Stories bar. Just followers will have the capacity to see this alarm.

Dissimilar to Facebook and Twitter, Instagram Stories doesn’t cling to the live footage you shoot. Rather, the video vanishes following 24 hours. This was to suit people who are stressed over their videos turning into a piece of internet history, which may one day cause issues down the road for them.

So how might you begin utilizing Instagram Stories for your image? You can either employ administrations from social media marketing organizations or take after these guidelines.

Snappy Guide to Using Instagram Stories

This is a basic well ordered guide for setting up your live eat Instagram:

  • Tap the plus sign found in the left corner at the highest point of your screen.
  • Next, hit the round catch to catch an image, or press down on it for 10 seconds to begin catching video.
  • Presently, you can utilize one of the three pen sorts to begin drawing on your photo/video and including emojis. Shading channels are additionally accessible.
  • Once you’ve done, tap on the check stamp symbol.

This will distribute your video to your nourish. You can look at who’s seen the video by swiping up on your story. On the off chance that there are individuals seeing that you’d jump at the chance to square, just essentially tap the “X” beside their name.

Building Credibility and Followers

Routinely making Instagram Stories can drive more followers to your channel and make your profile more discoverable. Simply ensure you’re advancing your organization content on other social media channels you’re marketing on.

What makes Stories a flawless expansion is that it fits superbly with Instagram’s optimal of showcasing delightful, curated content from your every day life. With the correct system, you can concoct imaginative approaches to utilize images and video to improve your image.

Best 3 Video Marketing Trends for 2017

As we plunge encourage into another year, it’s an ideal opportunity to consider the marketing trends that will rule this year and how you can utilize them to expand the range of your brand.


Visual marketing is progressively where it’s at in a world where we are encompassed very nearly day in and day out by phone screens, tablet screens, computer screens, and TVs giving us a consistent stream of data. Keep visual marketing at the front line of your arrangement with these video marketing trends.

Branded Video Content – If you don’t have it as of now, this is the ideal opportunity to discover up on building up your YouTube channel and accumulating your gathering of branded videos that discussion about your services and products.

You might be amazed at what number of faithful followers you pick up on your video channel. The more significant and helpful your content can be, the better reaction you will get.

The trend at this moment is to join your superb video content online with online ads, either through search engine marketing on Google and Bing or on social networks like Facebook, Pinterest, and LinkedIn.

Home Page and Product or Service Page Videos – More and the sky is the limit from there, customers need to hear your story. They aren’t simply purchasing your product; they are putting resources into a relationship with your brand.

Setting videos on your home page and product and service pages permits them to draw in more personally with your brand from the solace of their mobile screen.

An additional advantage is that traffic gets a visual representation of what you do and your identity. Put a little thought into how you need to be exhibited to your objective market and make a video they would love. When they see that first on your page, you’ve officially sold them.

Email Marketing Videos – Email marketing is seeing a resurgence this year. Despite the fact that it was by all accounts in transit out as a result of different mediums, for example, social media, email marketing remains an incredible approach to achieve your committed customer base and sustain new relationships.

Videos are the most recent trend to hit email marketing. They serve an indistinguishable capacity in your emails from they do on your site – support customer connection with your brand.

Keep in mind for all video content to keep your message short, intriguing, and to the point. The normal audience won’t watch a video past three or four minutes and one to two minutes truly hits the sweet spot for audience engagement.

Avoid 6 Fatal Mistakes on Twitter Marketing

Avoid 6 Fatal Mistakes on Twitter Marketing

According to Shilpi Bhageriya (internet marketer) article, Being a small or medium sized business if you are promoting your brand on Twitter, then ensure that you are not doings any of the following mistakes and if you have done already, then try to make it correct as early as possible.

Leaving your bio unfilled

How will anybody know about you or your business if you don’t fill your bio? You must put some basic info about your business to attract the followers.

Alongside the bio, ensure that you have a good profile image, background, and a cover image. These small things are responsible for changing the complete look of your Twitter profile. Just be precise and crisp while writing your bio as filling your bio doesn’t mean writing a complete essay.

Not following back

If you are not a very big brand or a celebrity, then ensure you follow back some of your crucial followers. Often when you don’t follow some of your essential followers, then you come across as an individual who doesn’t follow back and is very elite. This can affect the image of your company or brand.

Pushing FB updates in Twitter feed directly

Have you synced your FB page with your Twitter profile? However, always keep in mind that your FB audience is very much different than your Twitter followers.

Some posts which work brilliantly on FB, they don’t generate a good response on Twitter and that is why the people’ mindset on both the platforms is not same.

Design your content in a different way for the different audience. Additionally, your complete posts are not viewable and there is no assurance that your follower will click on the link for reading more when you sync your FB page to Twitter.

Retweeting too much

Retweeting every tweet which you go through is not at all a good idea; it makes your followers bored, makes your profile cluttered and thus your followers decide to unfollow you.

Often you retweet things only as you don’t have anything new for posting. However, that must not be the case. Retweet the things only which you think to impact your business in some better way.

Ignoring Hashtags

Hashtags help the companies for tracking their own performance. If you are having a new item or a contest, then you can make some rare hashtag for it so that you can track its response and retweet or reply the tweets accordingly.

Additionally, via hashtags you can keep yourself updated with the trending news and can make some plan around it possibly.

Not tracking results

If one is not tracking the results of his/her Twitter campaigns, then he/she is making the major mistake. The only method for knowing whether your effort has paid off or not is by tracking your campaigns’ response.

You should always know that growth rate and engagement level in the number of your followers, click on your tweets and more.

Utilize Google Analytics for tracking the results and for measuring traffic on your site via Twitter. Additionally, you can go through your Twitter functionality by utilizing Twitter Analytics as well.

7 FREE Ways to Boosts Your Instagram Followers

7 FREE Ways to Boosts Your Instagram Followers
7 FREE Ways to Boosts Your Instagram Followers

Instagram has over five hundred million active users. The stats on Instagram could be described as highly impressive and encouraging. A little break down will surprise you and at the same time get you excited. Instagram has over 500 million active users with over 300 million active users daily, 80% of those users are outside the USA, 4.2 billion likes every day and over 95 million photos and videos uploaded every day. This is simply wonderful and a goldmine for online marketers and business.

Those statistics should send a signal to your nerves and let you understand how important Instagram could be for your business. The issue is that, how do you get on Instagram and acquire followers that will become your loyal customers. I will be showing you how to do that in the following steps and guidelines

Signup with Facebook

This is the most easiest and quickest way to set up your Instagram account. It will automatically allow you to follow your friends that are already on Instagram and in turn they will follow you too. Your friends and family will be the first followers on Instagram which will help boost your profile and get you ready for the main deal

Quality Photos

The most important thing on Instagram is the quality of your photos, make sure your photos are of high quality before posting them on Instagram. Having quality photos on Instagram help you get more likes, comments and more followers which will help push you up the ladder and on top of all your competitors within the same niche. If you are taking the pictures with a camera, make sure the lighting and focus are right to get you the right photos you need to go viral on Instagram.

Like other Photos

I call this trick notice me. Is like your first day in school, no one knows you and the only way people will start interacting with you is by you taking the first step to say hi or introduce yourself to them. When you like other people photos, those people visit your profile and decide to follow and also like your photos. This is how you start growing your network on Instagram

Follow Others

This is the fastest ways of growing your followers on Instagram. When you follow others, they decide to follow you back and create a connection between you both. This helps increase your followers and likes on photos you have on your profile. Follow others to get more followers

Comment on other Photos

This method takes more time and work but it surely pays off. When you comment on other people’s photos, you increase the chance of them following you and liking your photos too. Just take some time out of your social media marketing timetable and comment on other people photos to increase your followers

Use relevant Hashtags

Hashtags have come a long way on social media and Instagram is not an exception. Making use of relevant hashtags help get you more visibility and popular on Instagram. The more hashtags you use, the more popular your photos will become. This means more likes, more followers and more comments which all help boost your profile

Exchange Shoutouts

This is simply a method of promoting others while they promote you too. It’s simply a win-win situation for both members. This method helps in promoting your profile. You need to simply find people within your niche and reach out to them and ask for a shoutout. You can simply do this by sending them a simple email or request on Instagram.