Occasionally to begin with a excellent ASP.NET 5 site it is advisable to choose a totally free ASP.NET 5 hosting provider. Certainly you generally acquire what you buy. We utilized totally free ASP.NET hosting to fiddle along with while learning to design, before I purchased our very first true domain name and paid for internet hosting account. Below we have produced a listing of FREE ASP.NET 5 hosting provider which may have excellent statistics and excellent reviews.
When we look for a totally free hosting company to our consumers, we look for a few factors especially. Number one : They should possibly be advertisement totally free. This implies not any advertisements anywhere for the web site. We are aware they need to earn cash some time, but we’d somewhat the item not necessarily have the direct view involving the visitors. Number two : We need some sort of MSSQL database since we have produce nearly all of our code inside ASP and it makes everything less complicated once you have some sort of database to keep all the dynamic information. Lastly : They should produce e-mail consideration access. The item merely appears additional expert for anyone whenever they offer an e-mail coming from the domain name rather then some sort of common e-mail organization. Have a look at the list we’ve got of our Best FREE ASP.NET 5 Hosting in 2015.
Best FREE ASP.NET 5 Hosting Provider in 2015
ASPHostPortal | HostForLIFE | DiscountService | UKWindowsHostASP | |
Plan | FREE Windows Cloud Hosting | FREE ASP.NET Hosting | FREE ASP.NET Shared Hosting | FREE Windows ASP.NET Hosting |
Average Review | ||||
Website | ASPHostPortal.com | HostForLIFE.eu | DiscountService.com.au | UKWindowsHostASP.NET |
Pricing | ASPHostPortal | HostForLIFE | DiscountService | UKWindowsHostASP |
Price | FREE | FREE | FREE | FREE |
Basic Features | ASPHostPortal | HostForLIFE | DiscountService | UKWindowsHostASP |
Disk Space | 2 GB | Unlimited | 2 GB | 1 GB |
Bandwidth | 20 GB | Unlimited | 20 GB | 20 GB |
Websites on Accounts | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | 1 |
Email Accounts | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited |
SmarterMail Support | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Email Space | 100 MB | 200 MB | 200 MB | 500 MB |
ASP.NET Features | ASPHostPortal | HostForLIFE | DiscountService | UKWindowsHostASP |
Windows | 2012 R2 | 2012 R2 | 2012 R2 | 2012 R2 |
IIS | 8.5 | 8.5 | 8.5 | 8.5 |
Trust Level | Full | Full | Full | Full |
Application Pool | Dedicated | Dedicated | Dedicated | Dedicated |
ASP.NET | Latest Version | Latest Version | Latest Version | Latest Version |
ASP.NET MVC | Latest Version | Latest Version | Latest Version | Latest Version |
MSSQL | 50 MB | 50 MB | 100 MB | - |
MySQL | 100 MB | 100 MB | 100 MB | 100 MB |
Management | ASPHostPortal | HostForLIFE | DiscountService | UKWindowsHostASP |
Control Panel | Plesk | Plesk | Plesk | Plesk |
WCF Services | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Web Matrix | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Web Deploy | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
URL Rewrite | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Advanced Features | ASPHostPortal | HostForLIFE | DiscountService | UKWindowsHostASP |
Eco-Hosting | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
SSL Support | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Site Backups | Daily | Daily | Daily | Daily |
Instant Activation | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Hosting Upgrade | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Customer Support | 24/7/365 | 24/7/365 | 24/7/365 | 24/7/365 |
My Review | ASPHostPortal | HostForLIFE | DiscountService | UKWindowsHostASP |
Uptime | ||||
Server Speed | ||||
Customer Support | ||||
Average Review | ||||
Website | ASPHostPortal.com | HostForLIFE.eu | DiscountService.com.au | UKWindowsHostASP.NET |
FREE ASP.NET 5 Hosting with ASPHostPortal.com
ASPHostPortal.com aims to provide customers with affordable yet reliable and lightning-fast ASP.NET 5 hosting packages. Their servers and staff are both located in the USA. Their company has hosted 60,000+ websites over the past four years. With 99.99% Uptime and 30 Day Money Back guarantees your satisfaction is guaranteed. Combine that with super fast and friendly 24/7 support and it won’t be long before you are smiling.
Their Plesk Control Panel will help you manage your web hosting account through a web interface . Their web servers are accelerated with premium hardware that will giving your websites a significant boost in performance and page load times.
FREE ASP.NET 5 Hosting with HostForLIFE.eu
HostForLIFE.eu is offering a free ASP.NET 5 hosting for all Windows shared hosting. For their cheap plan is only from €3.00 a month with incredible features and outstanding support. One click Script installer to install all your favorite ASP, PHP and Javascript/Ajax scripts. Daily backup also included with all shared hosting packages.
Their robust, shared hosting plan with super speed and adequate allocated resources. Very suitable for individuals, college students and businesses which need good response time without compromising quality. For their paid service, They also give you Uptime and 30 Days money back guarantee.
FREE ASP.NET 5 Hosting with DiscountService.com.au
DiscountService.com.au provides affordable and high performance ASP.NET 5 hosting to customers around the world. They have Windows Shared Hosting, Plesk Hosting, Reseller Hosting, Cloud Hosting, Dedicated Hosting plans from small to large to fit your requirements even they also offering FREE hosting plan.
They maintains and operates its own network. Their servers are built using the latest technology and housed in 8 Data Center, in the 4 Continent (Europe, US, Asia, and Australia). Their company is passionate about hosting and strive to deliver an excellent level of service to each customer.
FREE ASP.NET 5 Hosting with UKWindowsHostASP.NET
UKWindowsHostASP.NET provides quality and reliable ASP.NET 5 hosting services in the US, UK and NL at affordable prices. They guarantee 99.9% uptime for your site. They have three available payment methods: PayPal, Visa and American Express, so you can pay for their services from all around the world.
Their professional in-house support team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Most of the time they respond to support inquiries within 2 hours. In addition, all of their hosting plans included with 30 days money back guarantee and as a rapidly growth and trusted company, you can depend on them to serve continuous reliable web hosting.
Why They are The Best FREE ASP.NET 5 Hosting
Using windows web hosting will definitely give you a lot of benefits and its features will definitely make your website run at its best. And since windows hosting is made by Microsoft, you will be able to use it with other Microsoft applications like Windows streaming, MS-Access, FrontPage and many more.
Because of this, it is very easy to link the other windows applications to the windows host. In this way, web owners will be able to maximize the total look of their websites by incorporating different applications. And since its platform is compatible with ASP, then SQL database can also be incorporated.
To help our readers find the best free ASP.NET 5 hosting provider at a highly features, our editorials team reviewed more than 50+ ASP.NET 5 hosting companies based on the factors below :
[su_list icon=”icon: adjust”]
- Microsoft Best Partner Awards
- Latest Versions of Applications Features
- Customers Satisfaction
- Page loading speed
- 24/7/365 friendly support
- Company Reputation
- Affordable price